Q&A with Luke Cameron and the Hardwick Brothers
lør. 05. sep.
|Online Q&A
Online Q&A with Luke Cameron Director/Writer and Ian and Tim Hardwick who Produced and Wrote the film as well. of the brilliant documentary Burapa: Bikers of the East

Tid og sted
05. sep. 2020, 10:00 – 11:00 GMT+1
Online Q&A
Om arrangementet
Burapa: Bikers of the East is about the motorcycle club community that calls Thailand home. Some of these clubs are considered 'outlaw' clubs in their home countries, others are still at 'war' with each other outside Thailand, but inside the land of smiles, all these clubs operate freely and without violence while contributing to local charities and locals in need
We'll be chatting to Luke Cameron and the Hardwick Brothers about Burapa: Bikers of the East on Saturday September 5th at 10am. If you would like to join us you can use this link https://meet.google.com/rwz-gwvm-moh